

李德弘의 『古文後集質疑』硏究 -退溪學派 古文認識의 一端


The study on the Lee Duckhong(李德弘)'s 『Guwenhaujzhiyi(文後集質疑)』

이덕홍의 『고문후집질의』 연구 -퇴계이황 고문인식의 일단


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



T'oigae(退溪) said that he read 󰡔Xiangshuoguwenzhenbaodaquan(詳說古文眞寶大全)󰡕 which was hugely popular in Chosun(朝鮮) dynasty hundreds of times to polish his composition style. This book was applied carefully and elaborately to the literary view of moral philosophy based on high philosophical thought and suitable for a text book for the writers and scholars, who had sought for accordance with morality and literature, to practice their composition in Chosun dynasty. Ganjae(艮齋) Lee Dukhong(李德弘) had stayed for more than 10 years under T'oigae and annotated the difficult passages of the 74 works of the whole 130 works in 󰡔Guwenzhenbaohauji(古文眞寶後集)󰡕 after asking T'oigae about uncertain parts and recording the answers and edited it as a book, 󰡔Guwenhaujizhiyi(古文後集質疑)󰡕. Ganjae re-interpreted the delicate meanings in the original by studying about the writers and the historical background of 󰡔Guwenzhenbaohauji󰡕 which he had been thinking as just a simple text book for composition exercises until then But with T'oigae's teaching and encouragement, he complemented the contents of the annotations with a close research through various materials. Particularly he analyzed the writers' nature and emotion thoroughly while reading the book and judged their virtue and vice and awaken readers to the importance of distinguishing right from wrong. Also he didn't fall into the already existed theory and wasn't bound by the original annotations either and studied the meanings of the letters and sentences minutely and clarified the style and the origin of the sentences and analyzed them very clearly. 󰡔Xiangshuoguwenzhenbaodaquan󰡕 reached the climax of criticism about the way that the works were selected and the purpose of the compilation among the Chosun's literary men. And an in-depth study about the annotation contents and the selection of the works of this book had been done by mainly the T'oigae and his disciples. While T'oigae was teaching 󰡔Guwenzhenbaoqianji(古文眞寶前集)󰡕 to his disciples, he corrected the originals and annotations of the poems of the book and compiled 󰡔Guwenqianjijiangjie(古文前集講解)󰡕. In sequence Ganjae edited 󰡔Guwenhaujizhiyi󰡕 in the process of the research and compilation under T'oigae after he had complemented the originals and annotations of the works of 󰡔Guwenzhenbaohauji󰡕 by the systematized moral philosophical literary view. His comprehension about ancient writings he adopted while he was compiling this book shows us the characteristic of the moral literature which T'oigae and his disciples inclined to and by this point it is very meaningful in the history of the Korean literature.


I. 머리말
 II. [고문후집질의]의 구성
 III. [고문후집질의]의 내용
  1. 도학적 의리의 발명
  2. 문의와 문예의 변석
 IV.  맺음말


  • 鄭載喆 정재철. 단국대학교 사범대학 한문교육과 교수, 한국한문학전공.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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