

Original Article

Development of strategies for changing in physical activity behaviors on older adults with disabilities


Kyo-Man Koo, Chae-Hee Park, Chun-Jong Kim

한국운동재활학회 JER Vol.13 No.6 2017.12 pp.676-683
피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this study was to develop strategies for promoting physical activity for the disabled older adults who were in the transtheoretical model of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages about participating physical activities for promoting healthy life-styles. In order to achieve this goal, we developed a preliminary strategy for promoting physical activity for the elderly with disabilities based on the data gathered through the ground-work studies and the results of the research on the changes of the exercise behavior directly investigated from the elderly with disabilities. Then the strategies were verified to completion of the final promoting strategies. The elderly with disabilities in the three stages of precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation should develop strategies to think positively about themselves and their surroundings as well as strengthen their appropriate healthy behaviors. Additionally, families, physicians, and healthy seniors who spent time with disabled older adults could help to promote physical activities. However, overall administrative support, in-stitutional system construction, and public policy support were needed and it suggested that multifaceted supports and a variety of cooperation were necessary to improve a quality of life among older adults with disabilities.


  Study procedures
  Study subjects
  Statistical analysis
  Each level of exercise behavior changing process
  Expert validity check on exercise behavior changing strategies
  Strategies for promoting physical activity of the older adults with disabilities


  • Kyo-Man Koo Department of Adapted Physical Education, Baekseok University, Cheonan, Korea
  • Chae-Hee Park Department of Sport and Healthy Aging, Korea National Sport University, Seoul, Korea
  • Chun-Jong Kim Department of Special Physical Education, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Korea


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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