

刑民交叉与破产程序中财产处置问题的衔接 — 以非法吸收公众存款罪为视角


Concurrent Use of Civil and Criminal Measures in Disposing the Bankruptcy Property ― from the Perspective of Crime of Illegal Deposits from the Public

형민교차와 파산절차에서 재산처리문제 — 공공예금을 불법흡수죄의 시각으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There is concurrent use of civil and criminal measures in disposing the bankruptcy property, under the circumstances of that enterprise constitute the cause of bankruptcy and that enterprise or senior manager and controlling shareholders thereof constitute criminal suspects. Concurrent use of civil and criminal measures in disposing the bankruptcy property is an understudied topic in the Enterprise Bankruptcy Law. The improper intervention of public power tends to give adverse influence to social effects on relationship dispose of criminal law and civil law. From the perspective of crime of illegal deposits from the public, the paper focuses on the following three points, including the logic proven of bankruptcy proceedings are not suspended due to criminal procedures, the priority of the people's court accepting the bankruptcy petition taking preservation measures on all or part of the property of the debtor, and how to declare the creditor's right in the bankruptcy proceedings. From the view of jurisprudence basis of relation reconfiguration between criminal law and civil law for crime of illegal deposits from the public, the paper analyzes that the credit of victim shall be distributed in a same sequence with the common credit of bankruptcy. And the amount of the victim's right in the distribution shall be composed of the principal and its interest, but not of the deferred payment.






  • 刘玉妹 류옥매. 西南政法大学博士研究生。


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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