

동아시아의 열녀 이데올로기 실현 양상 고찰


Realization of Women's Chastity in East Asia


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



A sense of chastity was introduced as Women's Interesting Stories by Uhyang, who was a Chinese scholar in B.C. 77. A sense of chastity was reflected as a new arrival ideology by many readers’ comments and opinions. In the end, this book was the well-known short stories and he was a celebrated writer for the sense of chastity was melted in it. This ideology affected Korean, Japanese and Philip-pine women in character. The scholars of each country put this ideology in their ethnic custom stories and lots of women enjoyed reading the stories and were deeply impressed. In the result, this ideology appeared different aspects in each country as the followings. Korean women believed in this ideology as the racial self-conceit and they kept their (female) honor from the aggressors, while they were conquered. Japanese women came to make the manner of sex which had to keep the duty of love. It caused to be formed Yunye culture. Philippine women believed in the ideology the women's virtue of the independence and obedience and strengthened themselves while Philippine Islands were governed under the foreign nations.


I. 서언
 II. 열녀 이데올로기의 형성
  1. [열녀전(列女傳)]과 [열녀전(烈女傳)]
  2. 중국의 전통적 열녀 이데올로기
 III. 열녀 이데올로기의 동아시아적 확산
  1. 한국의 열녀 이데올로기 실현 양상
  2. 일본의 열녀 이데올로기와 그 변모 양상
  3. 필리핀에서의 열녀 이데올로기 실현 양상
 IV. 결론


  • 禹快濟 우쾌제. 인천대학교 국어국문학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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