Disputes related to developing informal settlements have been always creating complicated issues and conflicts as the settlements are usually linked with numerous stakeholders. This paper explored the fluctuating geopolitics of informal settlements in Guryong-maeul related to development disputes through 5 stages of geopolitical situation. The study presented that there are 4 main groups of actors involved in the geopolitical conflicts, informal actors, public actors, private actors, and NGOs. Then, it focused on the evolutionary geopolitical codes of informal actors by the stages to show that they have an ability to choosing geopolitical enemies and allies for their goals. The understanding of fluctuating geopolitical codes of the informal residents contributes to the discourse of urban informality and geopolitics in three aspects. First, it suggests that the geopolitical negotiation of value is not only affected by unified strategies of public sectors. Second, the informal actors have enough capability to respond to the strategies of public sectors. Lastly, it suggests a new way of interpreting the geopolitical situation by the evolutionary geopolitical codes.
1. Introduction
2. Research Background: Urban Informality as the negotiability of value
3. Field Site: Informal settlements at Guryong-maeul, Seoul
4. Research methodology: Geopolitical codes based on evolutionary approach
1) The geopolitical actors of Guryongmaeul related to development disputes
2) Fluctuating enemies and allies in the geopolitics of Guryong-maeul
3) The capability of informal actors to choose their enemies and allies
6. Conclusions