

朝鮮時代 刊行의 『禪林寶訓』에 관한 硏究


A Study on the Seonrimbohun Published by Joseon Dynasty

조선시대 간행의 『선림보훈』에 관한 연구


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study analyzes on the Seonrimbohun published in Joseon Dynasty. The major findings are as follows: (1) Seonrimbohun is a book of lessons used in Zen Buddhism. This collection compiles the sayings and teachings of ancient monks of high virtue, who set the examples for the inner cultivation and training of scholars who practice the way of zen. Seonrimbohun is comprised of two volumes. The first volume compiles the 142 sayings of 17 monks, and the second volume has 136 sayings from 17 monks, with a total of 278 sayings from 34 monks. The monks featured in the two volumes are members of the following Orders: Unmun Order, Jodong Order, and Imje Order, and the majority of the featured monks are from the Yanggi and Hangnyong branches. (2) Each saying in Seonrimbohun is followed by a reference to its source. The sayings come from a wide range of sources, most of which are referred to by their abbreviated titles. When a consecutive series of sayings are cited from the same source, the book takes one of two approaches: it indicates the source at the end of each saying, or include the reference only at the end of the last saying, omitting the references from the other sayings. (3) Four editions of Seonrimbohun were created in Korea: The edtion of Cheongnyongsa was published in the Goryeo Era ; and the editon of Daegwangsa, Pyohunsa, and the home edition of Leesunjae were published in the Joseon Era. The edition of Daegwangsa was published by carvers Jang Sumyeong, Dosin, and Gyesim at the Daegwang Temple on the Mohusan in Suncheon in the 20th year of King Jungjong’s reign(1525), under the sponsorship of the temple’s monks and believers. The edition of Pyohunsa was carved and published by the Buddhist monk, Jiheui, at the Pyohun Temple on the Geumgangsan in the 37th year of King Jungjong’s reign (1542), under the sponsorship of the temple’s clerics and believers. The home edition of Leesunjae was published by carvers Gyeongung, Gyeongeom, Suyeon, and Hyeyeon at the house of Lee Sunjae in Galji-ri, Seomyeon, Hwangju, Hwanghae-do in the 10th year of King Myeongjong’s reign (1555), under the sponsorship of Lee’s wife, Lady Heo. (4) Judging from their bibliographical characteristics, the three editions of Seonrimbohun published in the Joseon Era—Daegwangsa, Pyohunsa, and Leesunjae—seems to have been carved and published based on the edition of Cheongnyongsa from the Gorye Dynasty. Cheongnyongsa, as the first edition of the book published in Korea, faithfully reproduced its original edition published in the Yuan Dynasty. However, the three editions published in the Joseon Era were adapted and edited to suit the circumstances in the Korean Peninsula, and thus exhibit unique characteristics that separate them as Korean editions of Seonrimbohun.


본 연구는 忠州 靑龍寺版 「禪林寶訓」을 바탕으로 조선시대에 大光寺와 表訓寺 및 李順才家 등에서 간행된 「禪林寶訓」의 각 판종별 서지적 특징 등을 고찰한 것으로 그 결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 「禪林寶訓」은 禪法을 닦는 學人들의 內省과 修行에 귀감이 될 수 있도록 禪門의 先德祖師들이 행한 嘉言善行을 모아서 撰集한 禪法書로 상․하권에 도합 34선사 278편의 法語가 수록되어 있으며, 수록된 禪宗禪師들의 종파는 雲門宗․曹洞宗․臨濟宗 등이고 그 중에서도 臨濟宗의 楊岐派와 黃龍派의 선사들이 주류를 이루고 있다. (2) 「禪林寶訓」의 각 法語의 말미에 수록된 引用根據는 매우 다양하나 대부분은 略式의 명칭으로 기록되어 있으며, 동일한 인용근거가 연속될 경우에는 各條마다 기록한 경우도 있고 先條에는 생략하고 末條에만 기록한 경우도 있다. (3) 우리나라에서 간행된 「禪林寶訓」의 版種은 고려시대의 靑龍寺版을 비롯하여 조선시대의 大光寺版․表訓寺版․李順才家版 등 도합 4종이며, 조선시대의 大光寺版은 중종 20년(1525)에 순천의 母後山 大光寺에서 승려와 신도들의 후원 아래 張壽命․道信․戒心 등의 판각에 의하여, 表訓寺版은 중종 37년(1542)에 金剛山 表訓寺에서 승려와 신도들의 후원으로 智熙禪師의 판각에 의하여, 李順才家版은 명종 10년(1555)에 黃海道 黃州 西面 乫池里의 李順才家에서 그의 처 許氏 등의 후원으로 冏雄․冏奄․守衍․惠衍 등의 판각에 의하여 간행되었다. (4) 조선시대에 간행된 大光寺版․表訓寺版․李順才家版 등 3種의 「禪林寶訓」은 각 판종별 서지적 특징으로 볼 때 고려시대의 靑龍寺版을 저본으로 하여 판각․간행된 듯하며, 靑龍寺版은 우리나라에서 初刊된 경우였던 만큼 中朝 元版의 저본을 충실히 覆刻하여 元版의 遺制를 그대로 답습한 편이었으나, 조선시대에 간행된 大光寺版․表訓寺版․李順才家版 등은 款式과 형태적인 면에서 元版의 遺制에서 벗어나 우리나라의 사정에 적절하도록 간행되어 우리나라 판본으로서의 특징이 잘 나타나고 있는 편이다.


 1. 緖言
 2. 「禪林寶訓」의 收錄禪師와 引用根據
  2.1 「禪林寶訓」의 收錄禪師
  2.2 「禪林寶訓」의 引用根據
 3. 朝鮮時代 刊行의 「禪林寶訓」
  3.1 母后山 大光寺版 「禪林寶訓」
  3.2 金剛山 表訓寺版 「禪林寶訓」
  3.3 黃州 李順才家版 「禪林寶訓」
 4. 朝鮮時代 刊行 「禪林寶訓」의 版種別 書誌的 特徵
 5. 結論


  • 朴文烈 박문열. 淸州大學校 人文大學 文獻情報學科 敎授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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