


피부관리실 이용자의 아로마 인식도 및 이용형태


A Study on the Utilization Pattern and Consciousness of Aroma Therapy

박미경, 유왕근

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examined the utilization pattern of aroma-therapy and relating factors after visiting about 100 skin-care shops registered to the Central Estheticism's Association in Daegu.Kyungbuk areas, in 200. This questionnaire survey was put into practice from September 1st to September 30th, 2003 for one month, study subjects were 643 skin-care-shop users. As for the experience of Aroma-use. while 85.4% of respondents experienced Aroma-use or has been using Aromat, 14.6% had no experience of Aroma-use. As for average frequency of Aroma-use, 32.8% used Aroma one time a week,23.7% everyday, 20.4% one time a month, 12.0% 3 times a week, 11.1% 2 times a week. As for the route of getting information on aroma, 49.5% of Aroma users got the information in skin-care-shop, 28.6% from mass-media such as internet, TV, newspaper, magazine. Regarding the type of preference aromas, 65.4% answered Lavender, 35.3% Rosemary, 35.2% Peppermint, 25.5% Rose, 23.7% Tea tree, 21.1% Jasmin, 19.5% Lemon. As for purposes of Aroma-use, 36.8% answered problematic-skin-control & fatness-control, 33.5% stress-relaxation, 14.8% physical-symptom-relaxation, 12.4% muscle-relaxation, 2.6% other purposes.


  • 박미경 Park, Mi-kyung. 대구한의대학교 대학원
  • 유왕근 Yoo, Wang-Keun. 대구한의대학교 보건대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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