

京畿 海岸島嶼와 東아시아의 說話 傳播 -「우렁각시」說話의 한반도 서해안 전래 추정을 中心으로-


Mainly about the west coast of Korean Peninsula as the origin of "Snail bride" tale

경기 해안도서와 동아시아의 설화 전파 -「우렁각시」설화의 한반도 서해안 전래 추정을 중심으로-


피인용수 : 1(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



“Snail bride" is a widespread folk tale throughout east-south Asia including China, Japan and Korea. Many researchers have studied forming process of this story and they also looked into the transmission and influence of it. The idea that this folk tale stemmed from China and went over to Korea is dominant. It is possible that this story was spread by land routes but the spread by shipping routes is more convincing to many people when we consider the distribution of “Snail bride"and ancient shipping routes and Daemungu culture. There was an enormous trade and exchange between ancient Korea and China, centered around north Mediterranean. In those days. there were three main shipping routes. The first route which start from Sandong peninsula reached the mouth of Abrok and Daedong river by way of Balhae. The second one originated from Sandong peninsula. It went through yellow river and reached Dukmul island near Inchoen. This route could get to Haeju, Incheon, Kimpo, Taean. The third Route departed from Myungju (Chulgangsung) or ChunJu of Kangnam in China. It went through the islands of Huksan and Kogunsan and finally arrived at Korean port. It is noticeable that the place for departure and arrival in each route well matched with the distribution of our country's folk tale “Snail bride.” That is the destination of first route was the area about which Limsukja had recorded in his book and the destination of second one was the place where “Snail bride” story has been spread and the destination of third route is the Chula province. Among these, the place of departure of the first route happened to be Chulgangsung where “Snail bride” tale was most widely spread in China. This proves that China and Korea were in the same culture and had a great deal of trade between two countries. And It also strongly suggests that “Snail bride” tale was spread by shipping route not by land route. This research has focused on the spread of “Snail bride.” and I suppose the study on this tale made a significant breakthrough in bringing out the issue of China-Korea tale connection. But more active and empirical studies needs to be done in the near future. On the basis of this research, the comparison research about two countries' tales should be performed besides “Snail bride" tale from a various point of views. We learned that the folk tales of two countries has a lot of things in common. To make this study complete, it is necessary to compare Japan's "Snail bride" tale with ours comprehensively. I wish I could present more solid historical evidence such as materials recorded by the ancient Chinese. Also, I hope this research can serve as a stimulating force to vitalize local festival by making a play of this story. which reminds people of this folk tale. A large plain along the river in west-coast area is highly recommended for this local festival. And Kimpo has been acclaimed as the most likely place for this purpose.


I. 서론
 II. 한ㆍ중 우렁각시 설화의 분포 양상
  1. 한국의 분포 양상
  2. 중국의 분포 양상
  3. 한ㆍ중 분포 양상의 특징
 III. 한ㆍ중 해상 교통로와 우렁각시 설화의 전파 경로Abstract
  1. 동이족의 해상교류
  2. 역사상으로 본 한ㆍ중 해상 교통로
  3. 우렁각시 설화의 전파 경로
 IV. 결론


  • 朴璟姬 박경희. 안양 상일중학교 교장, 국문학전공.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보
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