

海岸島嶼 지역과 동아시아의 歷史와 문화 -동아지중해 모델을 중심으로-


History and culture of the coastal islands and East Asia -The East Asian-mediterranean-sea model

해안도서 지역과 동아시아의 역사와 문화 -동아지중해 모델을 중심으로-


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The importance of ocean has been increased as called 'the 21st century, the age of the ocean'. The ocean literatures and other history activities related to the ocean were not placed in the center of our history, but they have taken some great parts and begun historical turning points from time to time. In consequence, interpretation of our history in terms of the ocean is to recover our nation's identification and to complete the distorted history. This is a basic presentation regarding to the subject, 'history and culture of the coastal islands and East-Asia'. With comprehensive point of view, history and culture of Korean civilization and East Asia that has been shaped through the ocean have been studied. The ocean environment, the winds and the ocean currents, were observed as well as characteristics of the ocean culture and the traffic routes. Then the ancient history of East-Asia was outlined in terms of the land and the sea historical view and the East Asian-Mediterranean-sea model. The ocean areas are divided into groups, the yellow sea, the southern sea, the eastern sea, and the Tartary Sea, and then important facts in order of periods are explained. East Asian-Mediterranean-sea were separated by 4 to 5 ocean areas, most of them except the eastern sea were formed as inland-sea, short distance. These areas were interrelated each other doing their own historical activities, and associated with the lands building coordinated culture. The Korean peninsula was the core of East Asian-Mediterranean-sea geographically, which had a network connecting all the areas and the countries. The East Asian-Mediterranean-sea model is an commensal model which presents the necessity of East-Asia's cooperation and the methods. Meanwhile, it is a model that considers the unified Korea's position.


I. 서언
 II. 동아시아 역사를 바라보는 관점
 III. 해양 역사상의 메카니즘
  1. 해양자연환경을 이해해야 한다.
  2. 해양문화의 특성을 이해해야 한다.
  3. 해양 교통로의 특성을 이해해야 한다.
  4. 해양방어체제의 특성을 이해해야 한다.
  5. 항해방식과 항법에 대한 과학적인 이해가 필요하다.
 IV. 동아 지중해의 역사상 - 한국사를 중심으로
  1. 황해권
  2. 남해권
  3. 동해권
  4. 타타르해(Tatar Strait)권
 V. 결론을 대신하여


  • 尹明喆 윤명철. 동국대학교 교양교육원 조교수, 고구려사 및 해양사 전공.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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