


2년제 대학 뷰티관련학과 교육과정 분석 및 개선방안에 관한 연구 -뷰티스타일리스트 전공개설의 필여성을 중심으로-


A Study on the Analysis of Curriculums andthe Improvements of Beauty Department in College -Focusing on Needs to Develop Beauty Styling Department-

이미량, 이경은

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study was conducted to propose name and role of a beauty-related specialist, a brand-new profession, recognizing that rapidly evolving culture and industries call for development of a new occupation in beauty business in the 21st century, and to suggest an approach to set up a department to produce such experts. To this end, extensive data and information were collected from relevant companies, education institutions, and all of the eighty two departments at 2-year junior colleges around the country, and were analyzed. The findings of the study are as follows: First, it was acknowledged that a new occupation distinct from existing ones is required in the beauty business. Secondly, the study has defined role of the new job; a professional beauty stylist who is competent to work across beauty, coordination and fashion with long-term perspective. Thirdly, the study suggested name of the brand-new occupation as beauty stylist. The results summarized above have meaningful implications; the study identified weaknesses of the existing beauty-related departments, and suggested practical approaches to improve them in order to provide effective education on the new profession, beauty stylist, and enhance adaptation capability.


  • 이미량 Lee, Mi-Ryang. 안양과학대학 패션뷰티디자인학부
  • 이경은 Lee, Kyung-Eun. 안양과학대학 패션뷰티디자인학부


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