

외국인 학습자를 위한 한국어 신체어 관용 표현의 상호문화적 교육 방안 연구


A Study on Intercultural Education Methods of Korean Body-part Idiomatic Expressions for Foreign Learners

이은진, 권연진

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to investigate the relationship between Korean body-part idiomatic expressions that are reflected by speaker's culture, customs, and social background, etc and conversation for Korean learners. Intercultural teaching-learning methods developed by the educational list of body-part idiomatic expressions are proposed in this study. Idiomatic expressions are largely being used in language communities and these have two or more then two words combined, meaning different from the original definitions of each word. On this account, foreign learners tend to experience difficulties in learning due to different or insufficient cultural prerequisites contained behind the language. Thus, we reviewed some characteristics of Korean body-part idiomatic expressions and pointed out a necessities of education for foreign learners. In addition, we explored an intercultural education theory in terms of idiomatic expressions under cultural prerequisites. On the basis of this, we proposed a list of Korean body-part idiomatic expressions and intercultural teaching-learning methods.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1. 한국어 신체어 관용 표현의 문화적 전제
  2.2. 상호문화적 접근
 3. 분석 및 논의
  3.1. 분석 대상
  3.2. 분석 및 논의
 4. 한국어 신체어 관용 표현의 교육 방안
  4.1. 교육 목록 선정
  4.2. 상호문화적 교육 방안
 5. 결론 및 제언


  • 이은진 Eunjin Lee. 부산대학교
  • 권연진 Yeon-Jin Kwon. 부산대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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