This study aims to distinguish between ‘Afraid to V’ and ‘Afraid of V-ing’ using corpus-based collocation and ‘Binary Opposition(BO) Strategy, proposed by Kim(2014), to distinguish a pair of lexical/grammatical near-synonyms. The basic idea of BO is that in order to distinguish effectively between a pair of near-synonyms, the focus should be on contextual BO features such as [part vs. whole], [cause vs. effect], and [causative vs. non-causative]. The results of this study show that ‘Afraid to V’ and ‘Afraid of V-ing’ are distinguished in the context of opposite features such as [Voluntary vs. Involuntary], [Before vs. After], [Result vs. Cause], Temporary vs. Usual] and [Dynamic vs. Static]
1. 서론
2. 선행연구 및 이론적 배경
2.1. 선행연구
2.2. 이분법적 대립책략(Binary Opposition strategies)
3. BO 자질에 의한 Afraid to vs. Afraid of의 구분
3.1. 자발적 행위와 비자발적 행위
3.2 사전 두려움과 사후 두려움
3.3. 일시적 두려움과 평상시 두려움
3.4. 두려움의 결과와 원인
3.5. 행위적과 인식적 두려움
4. 결론