

음성적 모호성과 의미기능적 유사성에 기인한 한국어 모음의 융합


A Korean Vowel Merger Caused by the Combined Effects of Phonetic Obscurity and Semantic-Functional Similarities


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to provide a plausible explanation for the Korean front vowel merger of the high-mid vowel /e/ and the low-mid vowel /ε/. This vowel merger was found mainly in the speech and writing patterns of the Kyungsang dialect but it has now spread into the more standard Seoul Korean. Increasingly, younger generations fail to distinguish between the two vowels, and its effect is visible in written forms as well. One of the main reasons for this merger is from their phonetic obscurity due to the lack of difference between F1 and F2. Another reason for the merger stems from the semantic and functional similarities. Most of the minimal pairs with the distinctive vowels are from the same grammatical category and have similar function. Moreover, in most cases, their pitch and intonation are also alike. These similarities accelerate the merger, and more and more words with the mid-front vowels become ambiguous.


 1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
 2. ‘에/애’ 융합 현상의 실제
  2.1. 발음에서의 융합
  2.2. 철자에서의 혼란
 3. 모음 융합에 기여한 의미 기능적 유사성과 모호성
  3.1. 음운론적 분포 제약의 유사성
  3.2. 형태소의 의미 구분의 모호성
  3.3. 형태소의 통사적 기능의 유사성
  3.4. 의성어 의태어에서의 의미 기능적 유사성
 4. 결론


  • 박재익 Jae-Ick Park. 고신대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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