The present study examined whether Korean listeners perceive non-phonemic stop-fricative contrasts differently as a function of direction of stimulus presentation at a short inter-stimulus interval(ISI). Korean listeners were tested with English stop-fricative /pas/-/fas/, /bas/-/vas/ and /das/-/ðas/ contrasts at an ISI of 300ms using a same-different AX discrimination task. Korean listeners more accurately discriminated changes from fricatives to stops than changes from stops to fricatives for all three contrasts. The observed directional asymmetries suggest that Korean listeners do not perceive stops and fricatives equally and they have perceptual difficultly in discriminating English stops and fricatives. Additionally, performance asymmetries were also found for same pairs. The findings are further discussed in relation to previously reported data on Korean listeners’ assimilation of English stops and fricatives.
1. 서론
2. 선행연구
3. 연구 방법
3.1. 실험 참여자
3.2. 실험 자극
3.3. 실험 과정
4. 결과 및 논의
4.1. 전체 AX 시행의 정확도
4.2. 다른 AX 시행의 정확도
4.3. 같은 AX 시행의 정확도
4.4. 논의
5. 결론 및 제언