

中国家事纠纷审判组织专门化问题研究 - 以域外家事法院(庭)为视角 -


A Study on the Specialization of Organizations for Family Dispute Resolution in China - From the perspective of extraterritorial family court (tribunal)

邹郁卓, 王辛

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Family law covers both society and private dispute resolution functions. Over the past few decades, with the social changes and the weaken of traditional litigation, the interaction between law and family occured the new opportunities for development.From the historical perspective, family law has played a significant role in shaping family values,interpersonal relationships and other concepts. With devoting itself to promoting the well-being of family, family law ushered in its great moment of "renaissance". This great moment of "renaissance" requesting the court to make substantial changes in dealing with current treatment of family law issues, including reversing the traditional judicial concept, reorganizing the existing court system , improving family procedure legislation etc. Constructing a modern family specialized court mechanism is the positive response to the above changes.The Chinese family dispute resolution has undergone a remarkable transition from time to time. In order to cope with the endless stream of family problems and get rid of the scarcity of judicial resources, the concentration of family-based cases by a specialized court or tribunal is the starting point for the specialization and centralization of the judiciary. In the process of designing the specialization of family disputes trial organization, we need to consider various factors comprehensively, especially in the design of specific system, we should conduct a careful assessment and a thorough investigation of the situation.




 Ⅰ. 域外家事法院(庭)模式介绍
 Ⅱ. 我国各地探索式实验做法及效果分析
 Ⅲ. 设立专门家事审理机构的模式选择
 Ⅳ. 我国家事法庭的制度化构想
 Ⅳ. 结语


  • 邹郁卓 추욱탁. 广东财经大学法治与经济发展研究所, 法学院, 讲师, 厦门大学法学博士.
  • 王辛 왕신. 厦门同安区法院, 法官, 厦门大学法学硕士.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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