A Study on the Neighborhood Uint and the Change of Role of Educational Facilities
As the city expands, metropolitanization has also brought about changes in the human sphere of life. Changes in the area of living have affected the lives of all age groups, and important central facilities also show changes depending on the nature of the community. As a result of the influence of modern enlightenment, "school" as a child education facility has begun to play a central role in society. As the center of local living zone became the primary school after Perry 's Neighborhood Unit theory, facilities for children and adolescents became one important space. In addition to this, modern anonymous and individualistic social problems have become aware of the problems caused by the transformation into a society that does not require interrelationships, and attempts and activities to restore humanity are revealed. In other words, recognizing the importance of community and neighborhood uint, it is recognized that the role of members is important, and the role of community also depends on the region, and the character of community center space also changes. Therefore, we should not focus on the role of education facilities for youth and children as a central area of living zone, but should focus on the change of center space according to modern local characteristics and lifestyle.
Ⅰ. 서론
1. 연구의 배경과 목적
2. 연구의 범위 및 방법
Ⅱ. 생활권개념
1. 생활권의 개념정의와 형성 배경
2. 생활권 개념의 기준과 분류
3. 우리나라 생활권개념의 도입과 기준의 변화
4. 근린주구단위와 생활권 범위 관련 연구
Ⅲ. 생활권계획과 중심시설의 변화
1. 현대사회의 생활권개념과 학교시설의 역할
2. 우리나라 생활권계획과 근린주구개념
3. 생활권 내 다핵 중심공간과 네트워크