

『채식주의자』 영역본 The Vegetarian의 삭제 전략 연구


An Analysis of Deletions by Deborah Smith in The Vegetarian


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper analyzes the ellipses and deletions performed by Deborah Smith in her translation The Vegetarian and the impact those deletions and ellipses have on the major elements of the fiction: the plot, characters, settings, and others. The study reveals that the translator deleted full sentences or sentence elements to simplify ST’s intricate plot, flatten supporting characters’ characteristics, clearly distinguish the protagonist’s dreams from the reality and maintain the TT’s internal consistency. The ST employs an intricate plot with numerous flashbacks but the translator deleted some flashbacks in the TT so that the reader can more easily follow the progression of main events. But this led to partial deletions of the protagonists’ narratives as to their past and relations with others. Second, the translator deleted descriptions of supporting characters so that the reader can focus on main characters and the progression of events, which, however, also resulted in flattening of the characteristics of the protagonists. Third, the translator deleted specific parts of the protagonist’s dreams while amplifying the subconscious emotions of the protagonist, Yeong-hye, and successfully delivered the effect of dreams to the target readers. However, this effort involved deletions of some clues that can give the reader an insight into the relationship between Yeong-hye and In-hye. Fourth, the translator deleted some parts following her free translations or initial deletions to maintain internal consistency of the TT.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
  2.1. 생략과 삭제
  2.2. 소설 구성 요소 관점에서의 『채식주의자』
 3. 분석
  3.1. 분석 대상 및 방법
  3.2. 분석 결과
 4. 결론


  • 이지민 Lee, Ji-Min.. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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