

관계 대상과 심리 변화에 따른 어투 번역 비교 : 『에쿠우스』 번역 사례를 중심으로


A Comparative Study of Speech Style Reflecting the Relationship and Psychological Change : Focusing on Equus

김혜경, 윤소영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigates how the tone of conversation varies according to diverse relationships of the main character Alan in translating English playwright Peter Shaffer's Equus . In particular, when translating literary texts, translators should recognize literary features like characterization, structure and theme. Also, there can be found differences according to the relationship between characters, age & gender and social status. Also how a translator has figured it out and embodied it in a translation depends on the level of translators’ understanding or mediation. In comparison with TT1 and TT2, changes of Alan’s honorific expressions are differently revealed according to his relationships with others. Its translational style of his honorific is different according to each translator. Therefore, the role of the translator is important in the realization of these points especially in the translation of plays. With thorough analysis of the work, the transliteration should reflect the characters’ specific speech styles and their psychological changes with a view to relationships between characters.


 1. 서론
 2. 이론적 배경
 3. 어투 번역 사례
  3.1. 등장인물의 심리를 반영하는 어투 번역
  3.2. 관계성을 기반으로 한 어투 번역
  3.3. 관계에 대한 사회문화적 인식에 따른 어투 번역
 4. 결론


  • 김혜경 Kim, Hye-Kyung. 배재대학교
  • 윤소영 Yoon, So-Young. 건국대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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