

가소제(DOTP) 반응기 화재 위험성에 관한 실험적 연구


A Study on Fire and Explosion of DOTP in Batch Reactor

이연재, 박성희, 강경석, 양태욱, 강길모, 최영회

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this work, fire and explosion of DOTP(Dioctyl terephthalate) in batch proess has been studied. To evaluate the ignition possibility of powder was carried out to SEM(Scannig Electron Microscope), PSA(Par -ticle Size Analysis) and TGA (Thermo Gravimetric Analysis). Static electricity was measured in the environment similar to the accident scene, and compared it with the minimum ignition energy of terephthalic acid and octanol. As a result of the analysis, terephthalic acid particles were observed in various sizes of 0.19㎛~82.5㎛ and there was almost no weight loss (0.0001% reduction) even on 200℃. In addition, when the materials were added in the batch reactor, the generated static electricity was measured by 1.25mJ and the minimum ignition energy of terephthalic acid was measured at 10mJ~30mJ. Therefore it was found that fire and explosion was caused by initial ignition in the octanol vapor rather than terephthalic acid dust.


 1. 서론
  1.1 연구의 목적
  1.2 화재 사례
  1.3 연구의 범위와 방법
 2. 실험 방법
  2.1 대상물질
  2.2 입도분석(Particle Size Analysis)
  2.3 입자 크기 및 표면 분석
  2.4 열중량 분석(Thermo Gravimetric Analysis)
  2.5 정전기 측정
  2.6 분진 최소점화에너지 측정(MIE)
  2.7 옥탄올 최소점화에너지(MIE)
 3. 실험 결과 및 해석
  3.1 입도분석 결과 (PSA, SEM)
  3.2 열중량 분석 결과(TGA)
  3.3 최소점화에너지 측정 결과
  3.4 정전기 측정 결과
 4. 결론 및 제언
  4.1 결론
  4.2 제언


  • 이연재 Yun-Jae Lee. 의정부소방서
  • 박성희 Sung-Hee Park. 의정부소방서
  • 강경석 Kyoung-Suk Kang. 의정부소방서
  • 양태욱 Tae-Uk Yang. 의정부소방서
  • 강길모 Gil-Mo Kang. 의정부소방서
  • 최영회 Young-Hui Choi. 의정부소방서


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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