

일반연구발표 - 제5분과 : 日本學(5)

다문화교육의 지평 확대를 위한 한국어교원자격제도 개선 방안 연구



Today, multicultural education is needed to respond to diversified cultural changes. Therefore, this study suggests that the establishment of a multicultural education field in the Korean teacher qualification system is a practical subject so that Korean learners can take an attitude and actions that can better respond to multicultural realistic needs. In addition, I would like to establish a multicultural education field in the Korean culture area of the qualification system of teachers, so that various Korean learners from all over the world can become global democratic citizens who respect each other 's diversity through Korean language. Through this study, We expect diversity to improve our ability as a teacher.


1. 서론
 2. 한국어교육에서의 다문화교육의 필요성
 3. 한국어교원자격제도의 현황
 4. 한국어교원자격제도에서 문화교육 확장
 5. 마무리


  • 이채임 부산외대
  • 박혜인 부산외대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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