‘Toko-ya’ or ‘sanpatsu-ya’ means a barbershop. There are around 100,000 barbershops in Japan. In this article, I had referred to a search engine called www.ekiten.jp/cut-barber to categorize the country into eight region and to analyze a total number of 800 barbershops, 100 each by region. The eight regions include Hokkaido/Tohoku, Hokuriku/Gosinez, Kanto, Tokai, Kansai, Shikoku, Jukoku, Kyushu/Okinawa. When you classify the names of the barbershop, you would see, definitely ’hair’, ’salon’, ’kami’ or ’cut’ a lot. The name of the barber and the location followed them. Also the signboard showed names of animals or plants. In terms of alphabets or letters, 296 barbershops wrote Romans only on their store signboard while 228 Katakana only. The combination of Katakana and Roman alphabets were found in 54 advertisements as 48 barbers used Chinese characters and Katakana together. Given the numbers, Roman letters and Katakana are used most among other languages.
Ⅱ. 분야별 분류
1. 명칭 분류
2. 人名
3. 地名
4. 動・植物名
5. 外国語
Ⅲ. 表記