

第 10 分科

近代日本の農村地域における女子教育 -千葉県農会立家政女学校に着目して-


Girls’ Education in Rural Areas during the Japanese Modern Period : In the Case of “Kasei-Jogakko” Established by Chiba Prefecture Agricultural Association

徳山 倫子

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This presentation aims to discuss girls’education in rural areas in Japan during the 1930s. Previous studies on rural education during the modern period in Japan mostly discussed the cases of schools for boys; there are hardly any discussions on girls’ education in previous studies. This presentation discusses the case of “Kasei-Jogakko” (home economics girls’school) established by Chiba Prefecture Agricultural Association. The purpose of establishing this school was to educate girls in ways different ways from those employed in conventional education for girls, such as in girls’ high schools, and to train them to become capable wives who could cooperate with their husbands for the improvement of rural life. Such education made them criticize their longing for city life and the students of other schools, and they wrote about their determination to continue living in a rural society. Rural education for girls was started as the antithesis to rapid urbanization and the expansion of secondary education, which was unsuitable for rural people. During this period in Japan, girls who lived in rural society were expected to work towards rural development and to restrain their passion and desire for city life, and admiration for people with a higher educational background.


 1 千葉県農会立家政女学校の設立と教育内容
 2 千葉県農会立家政女学校における農村女子教育の特色
  2-1 既存の女子教育機関へのアンチテーゼとしての家政女学校
  2-2 家政女学校の生徒にはなにが期待されたか


  • 徳山 倫子 Tokuyama Rinko. 京都大学大学院ㆍ日本学術振興会特別研究員DC2


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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