



A Case Study of the Korean attitude ed Japanese popular culture


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of rhis paper is to suggest how to promote relations between Korea and Japan based on the analysis of Korean attitude toward Japanese popular culture. There will be three parts to the analysis: 1) the Korean attitude to Japanese popular culture 2) the Korean attitude about the Japanese Emperor`s visit to Korea 3) how relations between Korea and Japan will be affected by the 2002 World Cup This research attempts to extract the edterminant factors by regression analysis or logistic regression analysis. The determinant factors are sex, age, school career, visits to Japan, attitude towords ads of Japanese products in Korea, reputation for quality of Japanese goods, preference to Japanese animation characters, and the numbers of Korean people who enjoy Japanese poplar culture. In conclusion, though there are a lot of issues to be solved between Korea and Japan, I strongly suggest that young Korean and Japanese visit each other`s country to experience the other culture so as to facilitate reconciliation between the two countries.


  • 朴順愛 박순애. 호남대학교 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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