

第 10 分科



A study about monks following Rithu(律), commandments of Buddha, in the medieval Harima Province.

金子 哲

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



There is a Hoto stone pagoda(石造宝塔) in the Jouraku-Ji Temple(常楽寺) in Kakogawa-City Hyogo  Prefecture. The pagpda has a tradition that MONKAN(文観), Monk of the Saidai-Ji Templeschool(西大 寺流), elected it for the repose of his mother’s soul in 1315. It has the letters that Monk DOCHI(沙弥道 智) elected it.  I have found that first he became a disciple of NINSHO(忍性), the 1st Chief Monk of the Gokuraku-Ji Temple scool(極楽寺流), and next became a disciple of ENSYOU(円照), the 2nd Chief Monk of the Todai-Ji Temple Kaidan-In school(東大寺戒壇院流). YAMAKAWA Hitoshi says that from 1292 to 1300 Stonemason SINA(心阿) did his business under the rule of NINSHO(忍性), and after 1300 Stonemason NENSHIN(念心), the successor of SINA(心阿),  did his business under the rule of GYOUNEN(凝然) who was 3rd Chief Monk of the Todai-Ji Temple Kaidan-In scool(東大寺戒壇院流). Monk DOCHI(沙弥道智) connected MONKAN(文観) with the Gokuraku-Ji Temple school(極楽寺流), GYOUNEN(凝然) and NENSHIN(念心).


§1. 本報告の目的
 §2. 加古川下流域の正和年間の動きに関する最近の研究動向
 §3. 宝生山常楽寺の正和四(1315)年紀年を有する花崗岩製宝塔「願主 沙弥道智」の比定


  • 金子 哲 KANEKO Satoshi. 兵庫大学・共通教育機構・教授


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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