

第 6 分科

초묘 죽간 도가류 원시자료 – 태일생수, 노자 갑을병


Analysis and Meaning on the pre-Chin Tao school written on bamboo scripts


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Guodian(郭店) historical circumstances facing the author of bamboo and wooden slips are indirectly implies that you can implement your own life what they have learned valuable life have served the royal family and Imperial family(貨于帝王家). Eastern Zhou period, the geographical environment of jehuguk, historical origins, customs, etc. are all different, had showed a difference in the method of chiguk, also held various academic ideas in place. If culture is characteristic of the northern Confucius cultural Characteristic, it is simple and a proud and heroic backbone does not extravagant, degrees that are free and features an elegant Characteristic culture was developed in the south. If the study is north, “Confucius(儒家),” the representative, the crest of the south is “Tao school(道家)” to represent. In the Spring and Autumn Warring States Period(春秋戰國時代), Chu Confucius(楚 儒家) and Tao school(道家) thoughts, degree of doctrinal perspective, but there are differences, mutual exclusion had not been directed rather to coexist.


1. 들어가는 말
 2. 초묘 죽간
 3. 도가류 원시 자료 - 형식과 내용
 4. 노자와 태일생수
  (1) 우주관 – 생명탄생 과정과 진화에 대한 인식
  (2) 상호융합적 처세지학


  • 강신석 군산대


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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