

第6分科 : 東亞細亞國際關係學 I

동아시아의 미래 - 통일 한반도를 중심으로 -


The Future of East Asia : Based on the Unification of Korean Peninsula


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This year is the 70th anniversary of the Korean independence and also 70 years from the year when the Korean Peninsular divided into two nations, which makes even more meaning to predict the future of East Asia based on the scenario of the unified Korean Peninsular. The U.S., China, Japan and Russia have completed their power shift by 2012. In ROK, the president Park Geun-Hye, the first woman president of Korea, won the presidency on December 19, 2011. In DPRK, Kim Jong-Un became the supreme leader after the former leader, his father’s death, and on April 13, 2012, Kim Jong-Un established Kim Il Sung-Kim Jong Ilism and declared DPRK being one of Nuclear Club. In U.S., Obama's administration is working on holding China in check and the “Pivot to Asia” policy to put TPP(Trans-Pacific Partnership) under his leadership. China, with Xi Jinping as its new leader, is opening the era of “China Dream” and “The Way to Powerful Culture. Japan calls for "Strong Japan" to regain its status as the number-two economy in the world as it had been for 42 years in the past. Meanwhile Japan became "a nation that can wage war with U.S. on its side" and continues conservative movements. Russia wants to politically integrate with Ukraine and develop the Far East Asia to make up for damages it suffers from excessive export of natural gas, political corruption and decreasing population. In the year 2040, it is estimated that China, India and Japan compose 83% of Asia's GDP and 35% of the world's GDP, and China becomes the number one economic power in the world. China and the United States as G2 will lead the biggest consuming market and infrastructure investment market that the world's ever had. The future for Asia is “One Asia.” Therefore, “One Korea” where the north and the south becomes a unified nation must come true.


1. 들어가며
 2. 미국의 한반도 정책
  1) 아시아로의 귀환(Pivot to Asia)
  2) 미국의 대외전략, 스마트 파워(Smart Power)
 3. 중국의 한반도 정책
 4. 일본의 한반도 정책
 5. 러시아의 한반도 정책
 6. 통일 한반도에 대한 미래 비전


  • 주정화 Jeong Hwa Joo. 부경대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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