



The Meaning of the "Life of Christ" from the View Point of Akutagawa Ryunosuke


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Akutagawa Ryunosuke is one of the leading authors in the Taisho era of Japan. He wrote a book titled Saihonohito, (The Westerner) described the life of Christ, which he in fact reflected his own thought and feeling through the life of Christ and there is an extraordinary statement in his writing. He wrote of the ladder that was mercilessly broken which was meant to use for ascending from Heaven to Earth in the chapter 36 of `The Life of Christ`. The sentence was so absurd that it has been the focus of debate in the study of his work if it was simply an error. The purpose of this study is to search his intention of using the particular expression and true meaning of it. According to the Bible Jesus had a victorious life through the series of happenings such as His nativiw, fulfillment of His mission on earth, death on the cross, resurrection, and ascension to Heaven. However, Akutagawa regardd the life of Jesus as a failure. It is because he looked at the life of Christ through his own point of view for life as an artist-for-art in principle with regret and sorrow. Seemingly, Akutagawa developed his unique skill by employment of the dual expressionism with the intent to symbolize his own footstep and wish and derived the statement. Therefore, The Life of Christ is ultimately the life of Akutagawa Ryunosuke which is a from of confession as an artist to reflect his own idea tracing the footstep of Jesus Christ.


 1。 序 言
 2。 <天から下った者>イエス
 3。 "芥川のイエス"の一生
 4。 芸術至上主義者の<人工の翼>
 5。 逆説の<登る>
 6。 結 語


  • 林薰植 박훈식. 慶南大学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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