


多文化クラス受講と友人関係構築との関連性に関する一考察 - 留学生と日本人学生の双方の視点から -


A study of Relationship between Taking Multi-Cultural Sessions and Building Human Relations : Viewpoint of both international students and Japanese students


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to revealrelationship between taking multi- cultural sessions and building human relations. In prior studies, it explores the influence on students of taking multi-cultural sessions for one semester, and examines how students reflected on what they learned about building human relations. These studies are conducted separately, Japanese students and international students. However, to clarify relationship between taking multi-cultural sessions and building human relations, it needs to compare each result of analysis. Building human relation is composed of interaction. Thus, this study attempts to reconsider regarding effects of multi- cultural sessions using prior results which are the viewpoint of both international students and Japanese students. The results indicate that changes in their consciousness contribute to remove their barriers. And then,it influence on their changes of attitudes and building human relations. In prior studies, multi-cultural sessions had been expected to develop cultural exchange among classmates; however, this paper found that these particular multi- cultural sessions influenced the students’ daily human relations and attitudes, even outside of the sessions.


1. 問題の所在と研究目的
 2. 調査方法
  2.1 対象クラスの概要
  2.2 分析対象と分析方法
 3. 結果と考察
  3.1 分析結果の概要
  3.2 総合的考察
 4. 今後の課題


  • 藤美帆 등미범. 釜慶大学校


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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