

일본어 담화의 정보구조에 있어서 전제의 양상


The Aspects of Presupposition in the Imformation Structure of Japanese Discourse


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



It seems to me that man is interchanged with his emotion and thought through words, and is communicated by them. While the communication is achieved, it is necessary that the hearer should share the basic knowledge or experience with the speaker to rightly understand and receive the true meaning of words that the speaker intends to utter and communicate. In other words, it is necessary that the speaker should provide the hearer with information as a form adding focus factor that has the new informative value, which is related to the presupposition factor that the speaker himself supposes of his knowledge or his conscious condition, in order to make it possible that the hearer can effectively communicate information to the speaker. But the problem is the case that presupposition is not given in the real discourse, or the case that the right discourse is not achieved because it does not have the same presupposition between the hearer and the speaker, even though it is given. Therefore, this thesis investigates how presupposition is expressed in the real discourse, by using the sentences that the discourse condition is established, connecting the information structure of sentence using, when the speaker communicates information to the hearer with the condition of communication. As a result, we realized that the complete communication could be achieved when the speaker's supposition of the hearer's spiritual condition that the hearer has of such inference as well as the supposition that the speaker inferred of the hearer's spiritual condition should be considered in the presupposition in the information structure.


 1. 들어가는 말
 2. 정보구조의 개념과 전제의 역할
  2.1 정보구조의 개념
  2.2 정보구조에 있어서 전제의 역할과 수용원리
 3. 일본어 담화의 정보구조에 있어서 전제의 양상
  3.1 화자와 청자가 일치된 전제를 공유한 담화
  3.2 화자와 청자가 일치된 전제를 공유하지 못한 담화
  3.3 화자와 청자가 다른 전제를 갖는 담화
  3.4 초점만으로 이루어진 담화
 4. 맺음 말


  • 金惠林 김혜림. 청주대학교 강사, 일본어학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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