



The Meaning of Journalism to Akutagawa Ryunosuke


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis is a study of journalism in the point of view of Akutagawa Ryunosuke in his book 「Saihonohito」(The Westerner).Akutagawa called Jesus a 'Journalist in the ancient age' and His teachings (Bible) as 'Journalism', however, when one examines it closely, it is obvious that his illustrations point at Jesus' evangelical work as a mass-media to reach the people in His time through His teaching. Understanding Jesus who is depicted in his book is essentially a portrait of Akutagawa himself, the application of meaning of 'Journalism' is a reflection and employment of unique expression of his own work. Furthermore, Akutagawa was envious of the fact that the Bible was so popular and sold worldwide, and he was confident that his book would be appreciated as one of the highest work and considered as an everlasting masterpiece by the future generations.This could well mean he hoped his book would become a best-seller and bring him a fortune which would mean a success in the business sense as well.Ultimately, Akutagawa was trying to reflect his own idea of journalism with the characteristics of mass-media and commercialism onto the Jesus' life.


  • 林薰植 박훈식. 경남대학 일본어교육과 교수, 일본근대문학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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