

第 2 分科

老人保健施設における終末期ケアと死生観 ― 終末期ケアの実施をめぐる諸課題を介護職ㆍ看護職の死生観から考える ―


End-of-Life Care and the Concept of Death at the Elderly Home ― Analyzing the subjects regarding the End-of-Life Care Program through the Concept of Death of the Nurses and the Caregivers -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Recent data shows the ratio of the death at the nursing homes has been increasing. There are some reasons behind of this phenomena, which the most serious one is the rapid increase of the single elder and the elder family. In the near future not a few of them move to the elderly homes and the nursing homes, and provably they will end of their lives there. Therefore the end-of-life care system which will satisfy those people and their families is required to those homes. Firstly this study analyzes how those homes try to arrange the process of preperation, implementation, and assessment of approach plans of end-of-life care. Further, how the issues and management efforts for end-of-life care that were identified by nurses, caregivers of elderly homes providing end-of-life care, as the results of an educated program involving them will be examined. Secondly we argue how their feeling, recognition of the concept of death will effect on their attitude toward those ppeople who are dying. Then we come to conclusion that the sharing recognition of end-of-life care allowing a natural death in a familiar place among staff members is considered a basis that can contribute to increasing the ability to deal with the care and promoting and strengthening multidisciplinary cooperation.




  • 牧田満知子 Machiko Makita. 兵庫大學


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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