This research is based upon the photos of 95 guide boards I have taken myself. The photographs are taken in April and September of 2002, given errors in translation for signboards could cause not only difficulty in communicating with Japanese tourists, but also damage to the national image, which, moreover, could be led to a huge obstacle to attracting tourists and advancing the tourism industry. As a result of this research, in order to better guide boards, I am offering three suggestions as follows ; 1) more thorough editing by Japanese native speakers, 2) training and generating professional translators equipped with knowledge of the Korean culture and history 3) consistent manual for traditional culture and history-related terms.
1. 연구목적 및 범위
2. 선행연구
3. 분석방법
4. 일본어역 오류의 유형 및 사례들
4.1 어학적인 면에서의 오류
4.2 전통문화 및 역사적 사실을 나타내는 어휘상의 오류
5. 문제점 정리 및 제언