

우리나라 FTA 정책의 기본방향 ― 전체 FTA 구상 속의 한일 FTA ―


Korea-Japan FTA : Principles and Main Direction


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Free trade agreement (FTA) negotiations top the agenda of Korean foreign economic policy today. The negotiation for Korea-Japan FTA has entered into a concrete stage now. The purpose of this article is to revisit the main directions of Korea's FTA policy and to provide theoretical and policy recommendations for Korea-Japan FTA negotiations. The questions to be addressed in this article include: In the midst of global multilateral institutionalization, what kind of strategies should Korea pursue to reconcile the costs and benefits of globalism and regionalism? What will be the ultimate goal of our foreign economic cooperation policy and the effective means to realize it's goal? The article provides a brief summary of main trends of the global economy, and based on this, considers main direction for Korean foreign economic policy. In the second section, Korean strategies for FTA negotiations are discussed, not the least of which is to put in place clear criteria for selecting FTA partners and to expand the Korea-Japan FTA into the China-Korea-Japan FTA. The final section of this article is devoted to the question of methodological considerations linking regional economic strategies to a broader foreign economic strategy.


  • 金種杰 김종걸. 한양대학교국제학대학원 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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