



The Effects of the Exchange Program of Korean-Japanese University Students viewed in Japanese Education


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The students of Korean Universities and colleges are now struggle for their foreign language ability.They need to accomplish their credits in school. In other hands, they are forced to reach a certain standard to make a good command of foreign language. Since Korean and Japanese government have agreed to open each other's culture officially and to exchange, it shows a common phenomena that students are eager to experience study abroad during they are in schooling years.In this paper I have made a general review on the exchange program between Korean& Japanese universities. For the review, I have made a survey on some ongoing programs of 25 Universities.There are several types of going to foreign country for study. Some short period of program intensive language school, long period of private language school, and officially sent exchange students.The exchange program is now increasing gradually between Korean and Japanese universities and as well as high schools. The students who participate to this program, are well aware that they may expect to reach to higher ability of language. However, unless they are prepared to understand foreign culture and foreign society, their study and their living abroad may not be successful. We may emphasize that in language education, it is very important to try to understand different culture. It has been 45years already since Japanese Language has been taught in Korean high school and universities as a second foreign language officially. We realize that Korean teachers of Japanese, were focused of our effort to teach our students language system itself. However It is necessary to turn our interest gradually to understand different culture as well. Since the contemporary language aquisition theories emphasize the importance of learner's understanding of the target language.


 1. はじめに
 2. 交換留学生プログラムの概要
  2.1 交換留学生制度
  2.2 交換留学生の資格と選抜
  2.3 交換留学生の派遣
  2.4 帰国後の学点認定手順
  2.5 交換留学生プログラムのある大学
  2.6 交換学生制度の長所
 3. 日本語教育の面から見られる長所
  3.1 母語教師(native speaker teacher)による授業により発音面での効果が目立つ。
  3.2 教材のみを通しては学習し難い文化の接触が可能である。
  3.3 非言語コミュニケーションの習得が容易である。
  3.4 留学先での生活を通して、その国の言語行動に対する理解が容易なる。
 4. まとめ


  • 金淑子 김숙자. 상명대학교 일어교육과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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