

済州語の言語伝達体系 - 食文化と母系社会の言語伝達体系に関する研究 -


Linguistic Delivery System of Jeju Dialect.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In 2010, the Jeju dialect was registered as one of the Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger. In this study, the delivery system of the Jeju dialect passed down from mothers to children in connection with the food culture on Jeju Island, identified as matrilineal. The results based on surveys and interviews are as follows: about 80.5% of the residents have enjoyed local dishes, about half of whom can cook these dishes. About 78.7% of them learned how to cook from their mothers or grandmothers on orally. However, with respect to the knowledge and understanding of Jeju dialect in cookware names and expressing the tastes, there was a huge discrepancy with age groups. Younger groups, i.e. teens and those in their 20s, displayed poor understanding of the language in terms of food life and cuisine and the number of words and phrases increased as the age increased. Clearly, Jeju dialect on food culture have hardly been passed down to the younger generations. Lastly, for the preservation of the Jeju dialect, we require various measures including: (1) supporting to families with 3 or more generations, (2) using Jeju dialect in daily lives more, and (3) using cookware names in Jeju dialect in elementary cafeterias.


 1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究
  2.1 済州語研究の現状
  2.2 済州伝統料理研究の現状
  2.3 済州語保存に関する研究の現状
 3. 研究の方法
  3.1 研究の概要
  3.2 データの収集と統計的分析方法
 4. 実証分析と研究結果
  4.1 回答者の人口統計分析
  4.2 済州の食文化と母系社会への言語伝達体系3によるアンケート調査
  4.3 済州の食文化と母系社会への言語伝達体系による個人インタビュー調査
  4.4 済州の食文化と母系社会の言語伝達体系によるグループインタビュー調査
 5. おわりに


  • 高暎喜 고영희. 済州漢拏大学


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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