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기계환기관련 폐렴치료 시 Aerosolized Colistin의 효과 및 안전성에 대한 체계적 문헌 고찰 및 메타분석


Efficacy and Safety of Aerosolized Colistin in the Treatment of Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia : A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

백민우, 정경혜, 김은영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Background: It is recommended to use aerosolized (AS) colistin in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation therapy as an adjunctive in the latest guidelines, in spite of high nephrotoxicity and limited studies. In this study, systematic reviews and metaanalyzes were conducted to evaluate the safety and efficacy of AS colistin in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia Methods: Two authors independently searched related literature published from Pubmed and EMBASE until July 2016 and included a study comparing adjunctive AS colistin with intravenous (IV) colistin monotherapy. The primary outcome was the clinical response rate, the secondary outcome was the overall mortality, and nephrotoxicity. The publication bias was evaluated using the Egger's test. Results: Of the total 279 articles, nine were finally included in the final analysis. There was a significant difference between the adjunctive AS colistin group and the IV colistin monotherapy group for the treatment-response rate (odds ratio (OR), 1.56; 95% CI, 1.14-2.14; p = 0.005; I2 = 36%), although there was no significant difference in overall mortality (OR, 0.77; 95% CI, 0.57-1.04; p = 0.09; I2 = 20%). However, there was no significant difference between the two groups in nephrotoxicity (OR, 1.13; 95% CI, 0.74-1.74; p = 0.57; I2 = 4%). Conclusion: The addition of aerosolized colistin to IV colistin monotherapy showed better results in terms of efficacy than IV colistin monotherapy and did not show any significant difference in terms of total mortality and nephrotoxicity. Additional large-scale studies of this need to be verified.


 연구 방법
  Search strategy
  Data Extraction and Quality Assessment
  Dose Standardization of Colistin
  Statistical analysis
 연구 결과
  Searching results
  Eligible studies in the Meta-Analysis and Quality Assessment
  Primary Outcome
  Secondary Outcome


  • 백민우 Minwoo Paik. 중앙대학교 약학대학, 사회보건임상약학대학원, 근거기반 약물치료학 연구실
  • 정경혜 Kyeonghye Jeung. 중앙대학교 약학대학
  • 김은영 Eun Young Kim. 중앙대학교 약학대학, 사회보건임상약학대학원, 근거기반 약물치료학 연구실, 중앙대학교 약학대학, 중앙대학교 제약산업특성화대학원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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