

농업작업자의 근골격계질환 예방연구


Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Agricultural Workers

백한영, 권영국

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The world's No. 1 agricultural industry in danger (ILO, 2000) are classified as extremely hazardous occupations and industries that are vulnerable to musculoskeletal disorders. Countries already aware of these risks through the institutionalization of national and actively remove and analyze the risks, but the domestic political, institutional support is a very poor condition, farmers are lack of awareness of musculoskeletal disorders. In this study, domestic and foreign research and safety and health status, agricultural expert surveys, and 12 kinds of hazardous agricultural research through a farming operation at the risk of musculoskeletal disorders was to identify, improve work environment and improve national policy and institutional enough the need for introducing measures that were proposed. Based on these conclusions, in order to reduce musculoskeletal disorders of farmers, individual measures and preventive measures are very important. Therefore, prevention measures than other industries to establish policy, institutional measures for poor countries in agriculture professional education, promotion, aging problem solving, improvement of labor shortages, equipment supply and future-oriented systems will be reviewed.


< Abstract >
 1. 서론
 2. 근골격게질환의 선행연구와 연구동향
  2.1 근골격계질환의 정의와 원인
  2.2 농작업 근골격계질환의 선행연구와 동향
  2.3 농작업 근골격계질환 문헌연구 고찰
  2.4 근골격계예방을 위한 해외 농작업 관리실태
 3. 연구조사방법
  3.1 연구대상과 조사방법
 4. 연구 결과
  4.1 농작업인의 근골격계 유해요인조사 결과
  4.2 농작업인의 유해요인평가 고찰
  4.3 근골격계 유해요인 평가 방법
  4.4 농작업자의 근골격계 유해요인 조사 결과 요약
 5. 결론


  • 백한영 산업기술연구회
  • 권영국 서울과학기술대학교 안전공학과


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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