Relationship between Attachment to Parents and Adjustment to College
The purpose of this study was investigated the relationship between college student's attachment to parent and adjustment to college. For this study, research data were collected from 180 collage students, and self-report measures including parent attachment, academic adjustment and campus life satisfaction were used. As a results, it should be considered the difference in college student's attachment to parents according to sex. It had significant relations among satisfaction of a major, parent attachment, academic adjustment and campus life satisfaction. Therefore, it was considered the degree of a parental attachment when we consulted with student about the adjustment in college. Thus, results of this study show the importance of a wide variety of policy research, continuous counseling, and development of programs for a better adjustment to college life.
1. 서론
2. 연구방법
3. 결과 분석
3.1 조사 대상요인의 특성
3.2. 개인특성에 따른 부모 애착 차이 분석
3.3. 개인특성에 따른 학업 적응과 환경 적응의 차이 분석
3.4 부모와의 애착정도에 따른 학업 적응과 환경 적응의 차이 분석
3.5 개인특성, 부모에 대한 애착정도, 학업적응 및 환경적응의 상관관계
4. 결론 및 요약