

Schmidt cycle analysis in the quest of designing stirling cryocooler



Design of Reverse Stirling Cycle based refrigerator can be predicted by Schmidt theory as a useful tool and by experiment it is found that for practical purposes the power and efficiency predicted by this analysis are about 35% of the actual values. Therefore, appropriate provision is to be made for getting the realistic result with the minimum deviation. The present paper first investigates the suitability of application of Schmidt design analysis for standard ZIF-1002 and PLN-106 Single cylinder Cryogenerator model. As the result is found to be optimistic, the same design procedure is applied for the design of a separate Cryogenerator for generating a cooling effect which is sufficient to produce 7 kg per hour liquid nitrogen using an indigenous condenser of 80% effectiveness. The paper describes all the details of the design methodologies and relevant results are found to be satisfactory.


  2.1. Effect of principal design parameters on cold production
  3.1. Refrigerating effect evaluation of Cryogenerator units
  3.2. Design of the expansion zone and compression zone


  • Debajyoti Roy Chowdhury Centre for Rural & Cryogenic Technologies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, India
  • Nathuram Chakraborty Centre for Rural & Cryogenic Technologies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, India
  • Swapan Chandra Sarkar Centre for Rural & Cryogenic Technologies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata 700032, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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