The Old Testament and Religious Reforms – The Case of Josiah and Its Modern Implication
As of the 500th anniversary of the Religious Reform, many people agree that there is a need of another reform in the Korean church and theology. This paper deals with the reformation that we need through an investigation of the most famous reform in the Old Testament - Josiah’s religious reform, and studies the nature and content of his reform, and the lessons and implications that it gives us today. First, Josiah had the Book of the Law functioning as a driving force of his reform. He presented the Book with his ideology to the people through the process by which they are willing to follow. The reformers in the 16th century also followed almost the same pattern by presenting the Bible translated into their comtemporary languages, claiming ‘sola scriptura’ that is the basis of the reformed Christianity. In this way, they proposed their religious and spiritual ideology of the reform. The Korean church and theology should keep this in mind. Especially, the tradition of highly regarding the Bible should be preserved. Second, Josiah embraced and subsumed diverse social groups for the reform. In the diverse society of the post-modern age, the Korean church should embrace the diversity in order to achieve successful transformation. Unlike John Huss and Savonarola, Luther could be successful in the reform, because there were supporting groups from peasants to nobles. Third, Josiah made a covenant with the whole Judean people in the process of the reform, which assured their support to the reform. Through the covenant, Josiah well prepared for the future, and the reform was inherited to the future generations. As a result, his reform remains as one of the major events in the Old Testament even after twenty five hundred years. Reformation is a long-term process, and really essential is the preparation for the future. Without the preparation for the future, any reformation would end up with a failure. Thus, the Korean church should prepare for the future beyond the reform of our generation.
종교개혁 500주년을 맞은 한국 교회와 신학을 바라보며 많은 사람이 다시 개혁이 필요하다고 말한다. 본 논문은 우리에게 필요한 개혁을 그 근원에서부터 다시 살펴본다. 요시야 종교개혁의 내용과 특징을 살피고, 구약성서에서 가장 위대한 평가를 받는 이 종교개혁을 통해 오늘날 우리의 현실에 주는 교훈을 찾는다.
2. 요시야 종교개혁의 상황과 내용
3. 요시야 종교개혁의 요소와 특징
1) 율법책 - 기준과 방향성
2) 전(全)국가적 개혁 – 사회적 포용과 포섭
4. 나가는 말 – 요시야 종교개혁의 시사점 및 제언
5. 참고문헌