

Fragment based QSAR Analysis of CXCR-2 Inhibitors Using Topomer CoMFA Approach


Thirumurthy M

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



CXC chemokine receptor 2 (CXCR2) is a prominent chemokine receptor on neutrophils. CXCR2 antagonist may reduce the neutrophil chemotaxis and alter the inflammatory response because the neutrophilic inflammation in the lung diseases is found to be largely regulated through CXCR2 receptor. Hence, in the present study, Topomer based Comparative Molecular Field Analysis (Topomer CoMFA) was performed on a series of CXCR2 antagonist named pyrimidine-5- carbonitrile-6-alkyl derivatives. The best Topomer COMFA model was obtained with significant cross-validated correlation coefficient (q2 = 0.487) and non cross-validated correlation coefficients (r2 = 0.980). The model was evaluated with six external test compounds and its r2 pred was found to be 0.616. The steric and electrostatic contribution map show that presence of bulkier and electropositive group around cyclopropyl ring may contribute more for improving the biological activities of these compounds. The generated Topomer CoMFA model could be helpful for future design of novel and structurally related CXCR2 antagonists.


 1. Introduction
 2. Materials and Methods
  2.1. Data Set
  2.2. Topomer CoMFA
  2.3. Predictive Correlation Coefficient (r2pred)
 3. Results and Discussion
  3.1. Topomer CoMFA Analysis
  3.2. Contour Map Analysis
 4. Conclution



  • Thirumurthy M Department of Genetic Engineering, School of Bioengineering, SRM University, SRM Nagar, Kattankulathur, Chennai 603203, India


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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