

Culture Convergence(CC)

Analysis of Actual Consumption Patterns of China's Infant Food Market for 6th Industrial Management System Export Activation



With the increased economic profit in China, people tend to give more attention to the nurturing of children. The change in the food markets directly connected to the infants’ health seem to have brought various consumption patterns different than before. Based on the actual condition survey operated by this research, the expansion in the scale of consumption and preference to the imported food for infants appeared in the Chinese food markets for infants. The rapidly increased amount of the online purchases of the food for Chinese infants was checked through the condition survey. Based on the analysis results, with the purpose of increasing the purchase opportunities of the Korean food for infants to the Chinese consumers, it should not only perform the promotion activities such as the promotion for the product’s superiority and various promotional event, but also establish the pricing strategy for each entry step to the Chinese market. Because the purchase experience of the Korean food for infant plays the important role for the additional payments decision, it is estimated that there is a need to expand the opportunities for the Chinese consumers to approach the Korean food for infants both directly and indirectly.


 1. Introduction
 2. Chinese consumption market and consumption pattern for infants
 3. Conclusion


  • Sang youn Park National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wanju 568-851, Korea
  • Duk-young Song National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wanju 568-851, Korea
  • Hyoung ho Park National Institute of Crop Science, RDA, Wanju 568-851, Korea
  • Namgyum Lee Graduate School of Business Administration, Kwangwoon University
  • Il yeong Hwang Graduate School of Business Administration, Kwangwoon University


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