

An Analysis of Videoconferencing Learning in Primary Schools


Bonggyu Kim, Jeemin Cho, Kwangsoon Lee

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study investigated how teaching English through an interactive videoconferencing tool develops learners’ language performance and also supports their psychological efficacy in primary English language settings. Videoconferencing in the English class involved 201 primary school students for eight weeks in Jeonnam Province. The results indicated that students showed positive learning behavior and productive achievement in language learning using the videoconferencing tool. In addition, the study found that interacting online with distant native-speaking teachers enhanced students’ motivation and interest in learning. This seems to indicate that multimedia assisted language learning (MALL) can facilitate learners’ self-directed language learning and other learning strategies. Furthermore, implementing videoconferencing teaching methodology can be a way of providing significant pedagogical benefits to the geographically disadvantaged areas including the large number of islands located in Korea.


I. Introduction
 II. Theoretical Background
  A. Distance learning and Technology
  B. Videoconferencing and Constructivism
  C. Videoconference Technology
 III. Research Method
  A. Subjects
  B. Data Collection and Analysis
  C. Reliability of Items
 IV. Results and Discussions
  A. Analysis of Learners’ Achievement
  B. Analysis of Learners’ Efficacy
  C. Building up EFL Learners’ Self-confidence
  D. Self-challenge for Problem-Solving
  E. Fostering EFL Learners’ Affective Attitudes
 V. Conclusion


  • Bonggyu Kim Mokpo National University
  • Jeemin Cho Incheon National University
  • Kwangsoon Lee Mokpo National University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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