

디지털 경제시대의 일본의 IT 정책과 정보가전


The IT Policy and Information Electronic Appliances- The Case of Japan

채승완, 민경식

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The recovery of Japanese Economy continues to maintain the expansion phase for 25 consecutive months from 2002. One feature of Japanese economic recovery is that Japan companies show creative idea and competitive strength in information and communication technology(ICT) related goods such as digital home appliances.It results from IT policies including the e-Japan Strategy that maintain and expand IT infrastructure for IT industry.Japan presently tries to connect this stream of economic recovery to "New, Japan-Inspired IT Society". Information electronic appliances play an important role in "New, Japan-Inspired IT Society" and embody ubiquitous networking. The basic concepts of ubiquitous networking correspond to the diffusion conditions of information electronic appliances, if the price problems are sorted out.Improving information electronic appliances needs some core technologies such as "security". In present, IT industry of Japan has competitive power in IT technology such as IPv6. The standardization of different IT technology is on progress e.g., the standard for the information electronic appliances. Consequently, in Japan, information electronic appliances industry will be success in the future, ubiquitous society.


 1. 서론
 2. 일본에서의 IT산업
 3. 일본의 IT정책과 내용
 4. 일본의 IT현황
 5. 일본의 정보가전
 6. 결론


  • 채승완 한양대학교 경제연구소 연구조교수
  • 민경식 한국정보보호진흥원 선임연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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