

일본의 국가정보기구에 대한 소연구― 역사, 조직, 기능과 활동을 중심으로 ―


A Study on Japanese State Intelligence Institutions - Focusing on History, Organizations, Functions and Activities -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Japan had been known as a country of long intelligence history dating back to the late 19th century. In particular, studies of Japanese intelligence in the period of the 2nd World War are plentiful. But it is a fact that only a few studies on Japanese intelligence in the postwar period have been published. There exist only small number of studies on Japanese intelligence post Cold War activities in either English or Korean. The goal of this analysis is to chase the changes of Japanese intelligence institutions, in particular, current ones. Japanese intelligence had been mainly focused on the economic matters. But since the end of the Cold War, the extensive scale changes have taken place in Japan's major intelligence institutions such as CIRO, DIH and MOFA. An examination of their recent reorganization and activities shows that Japan maintains a greater intelligence capability than commonly acknowledged. As Japan's international role has increased, its intelligence functions and operations have expanded to deal with additional demands. Moreover, given the changing security landscape of post 9/11 accident, Japan may play a greater intelligence role within the U.S.-Japan alliance.


 1. 서 론
 2. 일본정보기구의 기원과 발전
  2.1 기 원
  2.2 제2차 세계대전
  2.3 제2차 세계대전 이후
  2.4 탈냉전기
 3. 일본 정보기구의 구성과 기능
  3.1 내각정보조사실 (Cabinet Intelligence and Research Office : CIRO)
  3.2 공안조사청 (Public Security Investigation Agency : PSIA)
  3.3 방위청 정보본부 (Defense Intelligence Headquarters : DIH)
  3.4 기 타
 4. 戰後 일본의 주요 정보활동
 5. 결 론 : 새로운 도전과 제약


  • 연현식 국가정보대학원 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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