

가타가나어 지도 면에서 본 고등학교 교과서 『日本語Ⅱ』


An Analysis of the Katakana Transcribed Words shown in the High School Textbooks of 『JapaneseⅡ』focused on it's Teaching


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The lexical system of Japanese is composed of five different kinds of letters. : Hiragana, Katakana, Chinese Character, Roman letters, and Arabic letters. For Korean learners of Japanese as well as teachers, Katakana is very difficult to learn and to teach. In this study, I have examined 6 volumes of the Korean high school textbooks 『JapaneseⅡ』. The purpose of my study is to analyze the phenomena of the usage of the foreign-borrowed words and examine how they are used in 『JapaneseⅡ』. For the source of my study, I have used six volumes of 「Japanese Ⅱ」which were published based on the educational objective of the 7th curriculum. The results of my analysis are as follows: 1) I have found that six volumes show some difference in using Katakana words in terms of their content of vocabulary. 2) I have made an observation about the frequency of「the basic Katakana words」that appear in six volumes. I have analyzed them according to the frequency of their usage. 3) Names of people, names of places, and the words that are related to Korean cultures are notated in Katakana. However it may not be appropriate to call those words Katakana. Instead, I would like to suggest to call them as 「Katakana transcribed words」. It may not be appropriate to put these words in the Katakana vocabulary index because it is necessary for the writers to be able to choose the more commonly-used Katakana words. This study would be useful to select more important and common Katakana words for Korean highschool students to learn. I hope my findings in this study would be considered and reflected for the selection of 「the basic Katakana words」for the 8th curriculum process.


 Ⅰ. 들어가기
 Ⅱ. 제7차 교육과정 고등학교 일본어교과서『日本語Ⅱ』의 가타가나어
  Ⅱ.1. 『日本語Ⅱ』의 개요
  Ⅱ.2. 가타가나어 사용율
  Ⅱ.3. 가타카나표기 고유명사 사용율
  Ⅱ.4. 교육부지정 기본외래어 사용비율
  Ⅱ.5. JLPT10) 3,4급 어휘와의 비교
 Ⅲ. 맺는 말


  • 金淑子 김숙자. 상명대학교 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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