

주민과 지방행정간 협조체제에 의한 지역진흥정책의 제 과제 -일본 오이타 현 유후인 마을의 사례연구-


Various Assignments of Regional Promotion Policy with Cooperation System between Local Government and the Residents


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examined the causes of the local policy failure after the world war II from the standpoint which the cause of the policy failure is the economic policy under the leadership of the state government whose highest priority is economic growth without reflecting the actual circumstances of each region. Since the first development plan in 1962, the development policy under the leadership of state government had been proceeded until the 5th plan in 1998. The common objective of the plans is located on balanced development. However, the development plan under the leadership of the state government focused on hardware in urban development paid no attention to build the unique software of each region. In consequence, the local residents could not have any satisfaction in everyday life although the stats is the largest county . In that reason, it has been proposed to debate about new objects and types for 'the Matchizukuri'. The Matchizukuri with the cooperation system between local government and the residents is requested on regional policies which has been under the leadership of the state government. This study is based on the case of Yuhuin village, Oita prefecture, Japan promoting the movement of local stimulation of the economy with the regional character, and making priority of objectives of Matchizukuri.


 1. 서론
 2. 지역진흥운동에 관한 제 논의
  2.1. 마치즈쿠리론
  2.2. 마치즈쿠리의 목표
  2.3. 마치즈쿠리 유형
 3. 지역진흥운동사례(유후인町)
  3.1. 유후인 정(町)의 지역진흥운동의 전개
  3.2 유후인町의 지역진흥을 위한 정책
  3.3. 우후인町의 종합 계획
 4. 지역진흥정책의 특징과 시사점
  4.1. 특징
  4.2. 시사점
 5. 결론


  • 윤재선 한림성심대학 행정학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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