

「~ません」と「~ないです」の使用に関する日本語教師の認識について  -ポスト7次教育課程における教科書への提案-


Japanese Teachers' Awareness about the Use of masen and naidesu. ― Proposal to textbooks in the post 7th Curriculum ―

相澤由佳, 澤邉裕子

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims to investigate how aware Japanese teachers are about the use of the denial polite form masen and naidesu. The subjects in this study were 20 native-Korean Japanese language high school teachers (KT) and 20 native-Japanese high school teachers (JT). Two surveys were conducted to assess the awareness among the teachers about masen and naidesu. In the first survey, the subjects were asked to correct journals written in conversational style Japanese. This survey indicated that KT, compared to JT, do not recognize naidesu as the form which is used in conversations. In the second survey, a questionnaire which examines how teachers teach masen and naidesu in the classroom, was conducted. The results clarified that most JT consider the difference between masen and naidesu to be a difference of writing style and conversation style. However, most KT consider it a difference in politeness, so it is indicated that there is a difference of awareness of the denial polite form between KT and JT. In high school textbooks, there are no detailed explanations about the two forms, so the possibility pointed out that it influences the difference of awareness between KT and JT. According to the Post 7thCurriculum, it is presumed that the tendency to value the acquisition of natural conversation ability does not change, but it was suggested that it is also important for teachers to stress the difference between masen and naidesu. Finally, this paper emphasizes the necessity to explain about the difference of usage of the two forms in textbooks and teacher's guide books.


 1. はじめに
 2. 先行研究
  2.1 「~ません/~ないです」の許容度と使用頻度
  2.2 第7次教科書の分析結果から
 3. 調査の概要
  3.1 調査対象
  3.2 調査方法
 4. 調査の結果と考察
  4.1 作文訂正
  4.2 アンケート調査
 5. 結論


  • 相澤由佳 장안대학 일어통역과 외국인 전임교수
  • 澤邉裕子 서울대학교 언어교육원 연구원


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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