


웹 커뮤니티 텍스트의 서사적 읽기 − “싸이 월드”의 ‘미니 홈피’를 중심으로 −


A Narrative Reading on Web Community


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper aims to consider what kind of change is bring about on narrative expression and reception in ‘Digital-Text’ structure. The diversification of media bring the fundamental notion of literary expression such as story and image into the point of dispute. On the assumption of the fact that there is the essence of narrative in presentation of events, now we need to raise a question in intermixture and deconstruction of narrative genre. When we critically discuss printing culture which centered around written language, the necessary of adaptable approach on non-written narrative is more conspicious. Especially the method of comparison/contrast them with traditional narrative is useful way. It help us to understand various questions of modern narrative which related with media transformation in a original narratological problem area. The principle of narrative in digital-text structure is not making completive and unitive story line. In digital narrative the features of executing and spatializing displace time and causality. In terms of the features of executing it can be separately explained in case of the writer and the reader. The execution of the writer is in writing, in responding to the readers reaction, in supplying the sub-data. The execution of the reader is shown up well in doing the physical activity of reading, in appreciating, in intervening the narrative through critic, in citing and configurating. This research focuses on how to recognize and reconceptualize the thesis of narrative representation in digital media environment. And this aim stands for narratological standpoint which involve story or storytelling. So the conception of transformation and expansion of narrative used in this paper is not a new narrative style but a reconstructed narrative conception in digital media environment.


 1. 들머리
 2. 디지털 텍스트로서 웹 커뮤니티
 3. 상호작용성의 서사적 의미
 4. 웹 커뮤니티 텍스트의 서사적 읽기
  4.1 인터페이스 구조의 서사성−서사 단위의 공간적 배치가 만들어내는 효과
  4.2 항행 구조의 상호작용성−분산된 서사 단위의 통합 전략
  4.3 웹 커뮤니티의 서사적 의의
 5. 마무리


  • 김진량 Kim, Jin Ryang. 한양대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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