


옛날 옛적 고령에서: 대장장이 콘텐츠 개발을 위한 이야기 재구성


Once upon a Time in Goryeong: Developing Contents through the Reconstruction of Blacksmith Legends


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This article sets out to research various strategies of ascertaining the identity of the Goryeong-gun area, after Ulleung-do the smallest district in Gyeongsangbuk-do. To escape the futility of the grand discourse of globalization that is weighing down on the humanities, this can be seen as a move towards the concreteness demanded by this so-called era of localization. Goryeong is the place where the state of Dae Gaya emerged, and where the new iron culture from the north took root and provided the momentum for the formation of a new state. After collecting various stories on the theme of iron implements that emerged against this historical background what could be called “iron-legends” I have tried to reveal their symbolic structure by analyzing the motifs and personae that appear in these legends. For example, I studied how elements from northern iron culture such as the frog, the three-legged crow, the iron-king Qiu, the cranial deformation etc. are expressed in Goryeong, and ascertained the motif of the smith-shaman with which figures such as Suro, Tarhae, Gangsu, Yeonorang and Se-onyeo can be identified. On the basis of this a narrative cycle centered on Goryeong’s Gaya civilization can be ascertained. The cycle comprises the following stages: “the heavenly blacksmith, the civilizing hero, the emergence of farming, the role of religions, and the state foundation.”


 1. 쇠, 그 모순된 운명의 도구
 2. 철기문화에 녹여진 북방의 흔적들
  2.1 개구리
  2.2 세발 까마귀 삼족오(三足烏)
  2.3 쇠의 왕 치우의 후예들
  2.4 납작 머리 편두(扁頭)
 3. 가야 최초의 대장장이들
  3.1 야장무(冶匠巫) 수로
  3.2 야장무(冶匠巫) 탈해
  3.3 쇠머리 강수
  3.4 연오랑과 세오녀
 4. 대장장이: 고령을 해석하는 새로운 열쇠


  • 김중순 Kim, Tschung-Sun. 계명대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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